

Leg-Raises: How to do, Benefits and getting 6 pack Abs from it

Leg raises for getting Six-Pack Abs

To have a successful workout and get the most out of it, you need to target all the right muscles. When it comes to abs, most people think that crunches are the only way to go. However, leg raises are actually a much more effective exercise for getting those coveted six-pack abs. Read on to find out how to properly do leg raises and get on your way to a toned stomach!

Leg-Raises: How to do, Benefits and getting 6 pack Abs from it

What are Leg Raises?

There are a few different types of leg raises that you can do to work your way towards six-pack abs. The first type is the lying leg raise. To do this exercise, simply lie down on your back with your legs straight out in front of you.

Next, slowly raise your legs up towards the ceiling as high as you can go without arching your back. Hold for a count of two, and then lower your legs back down to the starting position. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions.

Another type of leg raise is the standing leg raise. To do this exercise, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and your hands on your hips.

Next, raise one leg straight out in front of you as high as you can go without arching your back or leaning to the side. Hold for a count of two, and then lower your leg back down to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. Aim for 10-12 repetitions on each side.

Finally, there is the Pilates scissors exercise. This exercise is done lying down on your back with both legs raised straight up in the air and your head and shoulders off the ground.

Next, lower one leg towards the floor while keeping the other leg raised straight up. Be sure to keep your abs pulled in so that you don’t arch your back. Hold for a count of two, and then switch legs. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions on each side.

How to Do Leg Raises

One of the best exercises you can do to target your lower abs is the leg raise. This exercise is simple to perform and only requires your body weight, making it an ideal move to do at home with no equipment.

Here’s how to do a leg raise:

1. Start by lying on your back on the floor with both legs extended straight out in front of you and your arms at your sides.

2. Raise your right leg off the floor and bring it up towards your chest, keeping your left leg extended straight. Slowly lower your right leg back down to the starting position.

3. Repeat with your left leg.

4. Continue alternating legs for a total of 12-15 repetitions.

If you want an extra challenge, you can also add weight to your leg raise by holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in your hand as you raise your leg.

Benefits of Leg Raises

There are many benefits to leg raises when it comes to getting six-pack abs. For one, leg raises help to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles. Additionally, leg raises also help to improve balance and coordination. Furthermore, leg raises can also help to increase flexibility in the lower back and hips. Finally, leg raises can also help to improve circulation in the lower body.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Leg Raises

One of the best exercises for getting six-pack abs is leg raises. Here are some tips for getting the most out of this exercise:

1. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles pulled in tight throughout the exercise.

2. Use a slow and controlled motion, avoiding any jerking or momentum.

3. Focus on using your abdominal muscles to raise your legs, rather than swinging them up with your hips.

4. Begin with your legs at a 90-degree angle to your body, then lower them slowly towards the floor before returning to the starting position.

5. For an extra challenge, try holding a weight in your hands while you perform the exercise.


I hope this article on leg raises for getting six-pack abs helped show you how to properly perform the exercise. Remember, targeting your lower ab muscles can be tough, but with the right form and technique, you can definitely see results. So don't give up — keep at it and before you know it, you'll have the rock-hard abs you've always wanted.

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