

Seated Russian twists: How to do, Benefits and getting 6 packs from it

Seated Russian twists for getting 6 pack abs


One of the most common questions I get asked is how to get 6 pack abs. The answer is simple - you need to do a combination of exercises that target all the muscles in your abdominal area. Seated Russian twists are one such exercise that can help you achieve your goal.

Seated Russian twists: How to do, Benefits and getting 6 packs from it

What are seated Russian twists?

Seated Russian twists are a great exercise for toning your abs and obliques. To do this exercise, sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on the ground behind you, keeping your back straight.

Twist your torso to the right, then to the left, and repeat for reps. Make sure to keep your back straight throughout the movement and to twist from your waist, not your hips. You can make this exercise more challenging by holding a weight in your hands or by placing your feet off the ground.

This is a great exercise to add to your ab routine if you're looking for something that will really help you tone up. Give it a try and see how you like it!

How to do seated Russian twists

Seated Russian twists are a great way to get six-pack abs. Here’s how to do them:

1. Sit on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.

2. Lean back slightly and place your hands behind your head.

3. Twist your torso to the right, then to the left, and repeat.

As you twist, make sure to keep your back straight and your abs engaged. You can also add weight to this exercise by holding a dumbbell or medicine ball in your hands. Doing seated Russian twists with weight will help you build even more muscle in your core.

The benefits of seated Russian twists

1. Seated Russian twists are an excellent exercise for getting six-pack abs.

2. Seated Russian twists work the muscles of the abdominal wall, including the rectus abdominis (the "six-pack" muscle) and the obliques (the muscles on the sides of the abdomen).

3. Seated Russian twists also help to improve core stability and balance.

4. Seated Russian twists are relatively easy to do and can be done almost anywhere.

Overall, seated Russian twists are a great exercise for getting six-pack abs. They work the muscles of the abdominal wall, including the rectus abdominis and the obliques. They also help to improve core stability and balance. Plus, they're relatively easy to do and can be done almost anywhere.

Tips for getting the most out of seated Russian twists

1. Start by sitting on the ground with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Place your hands on the ground behind you for support.

2. Lift your feet off the ground and twist your torso to the right. Use your abs to control the movement and go as far as you can without moving your hips.

3. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

4. Do 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps on each side.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of seated Russian twists:

1. Make sure that you keep your back straight throughout the exercise. This will help to target your abs more effectively.

2. Use a slow and controlled movement. Don't try to twist too quickly or you will sacrifice form and won't get as much of a workout.

3. If you want more of a challenge, hold a weight in your hands while you perform the exercise.


While there are many different exercises you can do to get 6-pack abs, seated Russian twists are a great option. Not only do they target your abdominal muscles, but they also work your obliques and help improve your balance. Plus, they're relatively easy to do and don't require any equipment. Give them a try next time you're looking for a challenging ab workout!

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