

What is a star and why does it twinkle?

A star is a luminous astronomical object. It is usually held together by its own gravity. There are many different types of stars. They range from the very massive to the very small.

Stars twinkle because of the Earth's atmosphere. The air near the ground is full of tiny particles, like dust, water vapor, and other gases

Why do stars twinkle?

Stars twinkle because of the Earth's atmosphere. The air near the ground is full of tiny particles, like dust, water vapor, and other gases. These particles cause the light from stars to scatter in many directions as it travels through the atmosphere to your eyes. That's why stars look like they're twinkling.

Why the sky is blue?

The sky is blue because of the scattering of sunlight by the atmosphere. The blue color is caused by the short-wavelength light being scattered more than the other colors.

How big is the sky?

The sky is huge! It's so big that it's hard to wrap your head around. But that's what makes it so beautiful. When you look up at the night sky, you're seeing something that is truly immense.

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